Learn Markdown

Learn Markdown

Easy Guide to Markdown


1 min read

  • What is markdown?

    Markdown is a lightweight markup language for creating formatted text using a plain text editor. If you used Github this is the same language we used in the Readme.md file.

  • Headers

    For headers use 1-6 hash character at the start of the line, Headers have 6 levels. e.g.

    # H1
    ## H2
    ### H3
    #### H4
    ##### H5
    ###### H6
  • Code snippets

    • For inline code snippets use the backtick keys. e.g.
      This is a test for inline  ` code `  snippets.
      O/P - This is a test for inline code snippets.
    • Code Block For a block of code use triple ``` for showing a large block of code. e.g.
      ``` const dayName = (date, locale) =>
      date.toLocaleDateString(locale, { weekday: 'long' }); ``
      O/P -
      const dayName = (date, locale) =>
      date.toLocaleDateString(locale, { weekday: 'long' });
    • To use any embed link use write the title in ! [title] and the link in (link). e.g. -
      O/P - title